

30 + Years Experience

At Blend Outdoor, we focus on custom residential landscape projects in the Spokane and North Idaho regions.  We pair our talented team of in-house designers and an impressive team of craftsmen to make sure that our projects are built to allow families the most functional use of their space- large and small. By combining the design + construction under one roof, we’re able to manage all project details from concept to creation while being there for our clients every step of the way.


Design is an integral part of the process to make sure that you end up with the space you envision.  We do charge a fee for this service as many hours go into the planning and production. Our approach delivers multiple design concepts that cater to the individual needs and goals of each client’s project. Our initial consultation is free, after which, you will receive a design quote based on the size and complexity of your project

The following items are included in each design fee:


Blend installs and oversees all aspects of your landscape installation, and acts as the general contractor through project completion. We have a great team of caring professionals and talented subcontractors than can coordinate all aspects of your project to create an outdoor space you can enjoy for years.

Construction services include: